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Personalized hormone and peptide protocols delivered by experienced medical doctors based on your biology and goals.

Hormone Optimization

Weight Management

Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist (GLP-1) that is prescribed to treat obesity. It is a once-weekly injection. GLP-1 medications have been found to reduce hunger, increase satiety, and delay gastric emptying so that people feel full longer. GLP-1 medications have been found to be effective for long-term weight loss, making it an ideal treatment for many who struggle with weight. Studies show that people may lose up to 15% of their body weight, especially when combined with diet and exercise. This is a unique compounded Semaglutide (combined with B12) that has the same active weight loss ingredient as the commercial brands Ozempic® and Wegovy® and is available to people who meet the criteria for use. 

*Only certain dosages are available in CA

FROM $270.00

Hormone Optimization

Clomiphene Citrate Tablet (50mg)

Clomiphene (brand name "Clomid") can be an important component of hormone optimization protocols for maintaining fertility.

FROM $50.00

Tony Robbins

“The importance of hormones can't be overstated. These natural messengers regulate our growth and development, our blood pressure, our sex drive, our sleep, and just about all our body's core functions.”

- Tony Robbins

Hormone Optimization

Anastrozole is an aromatase inhibitor, meaning it blocks the conversion of testosterone into estradiol. Anastrozole may be recommended in some hormone optimization protocols.

FROM $20.00

Hormone Optimization Done Right

With the right data and expertise, hormone optimization can be transformational. Start with a comprehensive diagnostic to understand your current levels and how you can safely stay at your peak.

Testosterone Injection

Testosterone Cypionate is a bio-identical exogenous (i.e. external) form of testosterone usually administered via a small injection in the shoulder or outer thigh. Effective Testosterone optimization requires regular monitoring and blood testing by experienced clinicians.

FROM $70.00

Testosterone Gel
Hormone Optimization

Testosterone Cream is a bio-identical exogenous (i.e. external) form of testosterone delivered by applying a small amount of gel to the forearms every morning, depending on individual needs and preferences. Effective testosterone optimization requires regular monitoring and blood testing by experienced clinicians.

FROM $70.00

Hormone Optimization

Kyzatrex® is an FDA-approved oral testosterone treatment. It is a unique formulation that is highly bioavailable and convenient to administer. It is prescribed for men with low levels of testosterone who are symptomatic and have no contraindications to hormone therapy. Clinical trials revealed 96% of men treated with Kyzatrex® were able to restore their testosterone levels to a normal range. With painless administration and flexible dosing, Kyzatrex® is considered a first-line choice for many men.

FROM $330.00

Hormone Optimization

Tirzepatide is a powerful weight loss agent that targets two hormones- GLP-1 and GIP. Studies show people may lose up to 20% of their body weight within a year. It is the same active ingredient as in FDA-approved Mounjaro and Zepbound. It slows gastric emptying, induces satiety and reduces food intake while also improving glucose levels. Tirzepatide has been found to be effective for long-term weight loss, making it an ideal treatment for many who struggle with their weight. It is available to people who meet the criteria for use and is a once-weekly injection.

FROM $550.00

Healthspan + Weight loss

Metformin HCL Tablet (500mg)

Metformin increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin, the hormone responsible for managing glucose. By doing so, it disposes of glucose in liver, muscle, fat, brain, and other tissues, which helps prevent excessive spikes.

FROM $30.00

Estradiol Cream
Hormone Optimization

Vaginal estradiol cream is an effective way to treat vaginal dryness, reduce irritation, and alleviate painful intercourse for many perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. It is applied topically a few days per week, and helps to restore the vaginal epithelium and improve lubrication.

FROM $60.00

Desiccated Thyroid
Hormone Optimization

Desiccated thyroid is a combination of hormones that are normally produced by the thyroid gland to regulate your body's energy and metabolism. We prescribe desiccated thyroid when the thyroid does not produce enough of this hormone on its own. Low or suboptimal thyroid levels are a common cause of fatigue, weight gain, foggy headedness, and a decline in mood. By restoring thyroid levels to the optimal range where people function best, these symptoms can be alleviated, helping people feel like themselves again. Desiccated thyroid extract has been used since the late 1800s and has the advantage of containing both T4 and T3 hormone, which is what we make naturally. It’s considered to be bio-identical because it is molecularly identical to our own thyroid hormone.

*Desiccated thyroid is considered an “off-label” medication because it is not FDA approved.

FROM $70.00

Micronized Progesterone
Hormone Optimization

Micronized progesterone is an effective hormone treatment for peri-menopausal and post-menopausal women, similar to the progesterone that the body naturally makes. Progesterone levels dramatically decline during this time of life in women, leading to insomnia, night sweats, changes in mood, and an overall decline in well-being. Micronized progesterone treatment restores levels to premenopausal values, resulting in almost complete resolution of these symptoms. It differs from synthetic progestins, which have been shown to increase breast cancer risk. Micronized progesterone has not been shown to increase this risk, which is why it is the preferred treatment for women.

FROM $40.00

Hormone Optimization

PT-141 is a unique peptide therapy formulated to work centrally to improve libido and arousal in both men and women, helping to improve sexual satisfaction. It is delivered via a small subcutaneous injection up to twice per week, about an hour before desired sexual activity.

FROM $160.00

Hormone Optimization

Tadalafil is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction in men by improving blood flow to penile tissue. It helps men maintain an erection once they are aroused so they can complete intercourse. Tadalafil can be used daily, or on an as needed basis, depending on the individual. Talk to your doctor about which dosing schedule is right for you.

FROM $75.00

Healthspan + Longevity

Rosuvastatin is part of the class of lipid-lowering medications known as “statins.” It reduces the production of cholesterol by the liver and eliminates cholesterol from the bloodstream. The net result is a lowering of key cardiovascular risk factors including LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, as well as reducing the risk of developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease that leads to heart attacks and strokes.

FROM $30.00

Estradiol Patch
Hormone Optimization

Estradiol patch is an FDA-approved bio-identical hormone treatment that alleviates postmenopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and sleep disturbance. It also reduces the risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis. It is molecularly identical to the estradiol naturally made by women in their premenopausal years. Estradiol levels drop precipitously during menopause, often resulting in debilitating symptoms and a decline in quality of life. By restoring and optimizing estradiol levels, women can find relief from their symptoms while improving their health, well-being, and performance.

FROM $110.00

Hormone Optimization

Levels of growth hormone naturally decline with age. Sermorelin injectable, a secretagogue peptide, stimulates the body’s natural production of growth hormone. Sermorelin is delivered through a subcutaneous injection.

Only available via prescription in eligible states and as part of the Lifeforce membership.

FROM $150.00


Research shows that age-related declines in mental and physical performance begin as early as 30 — but it doesn’t have to be that way. Start your journey by completing your Lifeforce Diagnostic.